Press Releases and Stories


Prof. SU Hui (left) and Prof. WU Mengxi (right), both from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of HKUST, have created a new method that significantly improves accuracy in climate predictions.
Press Releases
Climate Change, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Ecology and Environment
HKUST Researchers’ Breakthrough Method Reveals Clouds Amplify Global Warming Far More Than Previously Understood
Tropical marine low clouds play a crucial role in regulating Earth’s climate.
HKUST and CEDD Sign MoU on Research Studies
Press Releases
Internationalization and Partnership, Partnership, Civil and Environmental Engineering
HKUST and CEDD Sign MoU on Research Studies
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) and The Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) today (February 28) to set out the framework of collaboration on research studies related to sustainable infrastructure development and
Research, Research and Technology, Civil and Environmental Engineering
HKUST Researchers Introduce World’s First High-Resolution Global Groundwater Sulfate Distribution Map Uncovering Public Health Risks
A recent study by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) has revealed a startling public health threat: About 17 million people are at risk of gastrointestinal problems due to excessive sulfate levels in groundwater.
Press Releases
Research, Research and Technology, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Environmental Protection, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Environment
HKUST Pioneers World's High-Precision CO2 and Methane Synergistic Observatory Payload


Civil and Environmental Engineering, Environmental Protection
HKUST Engineering Researchers Discover an Effective and Environment-friendly Disinfectant
A widely used disinfectant worldwide, chloroxylenol, has been associated with eco-toxicological threats in water environments due to its relatively high chemical stability and massive consumption.


Civil and Environmental Engineering, Diversity, Employability
Female Engineer Lays Career Foundations with Seven Job Offers!
HKUST alumna Janice PANG is an excellent example of the sought-after candidates with which HKUST is keeping construction companies on track,
Press Releases
Research, Research and Technology, Ocean Science, Applied Mathematics, Environment, Greater Bay Area, Green Finance, Business, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Sustainable Development
HKUST Tops in Areas of Excellence and Theme-based Research Schemes 2023-24 Funding
Three research projects led by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) were today awarded a combined total of HK$167 million by the Research Grants Council (RGC)’s Ar


Entrepreneurship, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Artificial Intelligence
AI on the Watch for Worksite Safety 
An award-winning AI solution company sets out to modernize and automate worksite safety monitoring while improving efficiency.