Mainland Engagement
HKUST forges impactful mainland collaborations, driving innovation across the Greater Bay Area.
Our Mainland Connections
We tirelessly pursue opportunities for mutually beneficial collaborations with targeted Mainland institutions and cities, fostering academic and research excellence.

Our strategic hub to catalyze the cross-disciplinary talents of the Greater Bay Area.

Invigorating Relationships
Our remarkable collaborations with Mainland China’s leading institutions in cutting-edge research and technology.

Establishing Fresh Partnerships
Building on our existing network of relationships, we are working to forge new ties across our nation.

Fostering Talent with Mainland China’s Biggest Enterprises
HKUST has partnered with many well-known enterprises in Mainland China to develop talent together.

National Accolades
Check out the prestigious awards and recognitions received by our outstanding faculty.

Engaging Research Institutes in Mainland China
Pioneering research with our strategic partnerships with institutions in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Beijing.

Strengthening Academic Cooperation & Exchange
We foster robust partnerships with top-tier mainland universities through strategic alliances, joint research projects, and collaborative academic programs.

Recruitment & Talent Cultivation
We attract outstanding mainland students through competitive scholarships and financial assistance, cultivating a diverse pool of future leaders.

Technological Innovation & Industry Collaboration
We collaborate with mainland institutions and corporations to drive technological innovation, translating cutting-edge research into practical solutions.

Social Services & Community Engagement
We address social issues through collaborations with mainland communities and international organizations, providing training, capacity-building, and development programs.

International Influence & Exchanges
HKUST fosters cross-cultural dialogue and collaboration through international academic exchanges, bridging China and the world.