Governance & Leaderships

Governance of the University
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) was incorporated in 1988 under Chapter 1141 of the Laws of Hong Kong. Within its legal framework, the HKUST functions independently. The Ordinance and Statutes stipulate the machinery of governance, setting out the bodies and the officers in whom all powers vest and upon whom all duties devolve. The main bodies for which the Ordinance and Statutes provide are the Court, the Council, the Senate and the Boards of the Schools. All of these bodies may form committees and delegate their powers as they see fit.

About the Court & Council
The Court is the University’s supreme advisory body while the Council is the supreme governing and executive body.
The President
Prof. Nancy Y. IP is the fifth President of HKUST and the first female president of a publicly funded university in Hong Kong.

If you aspire to harness new knowledge,
innovations, and technologies to change our world for the better, HKUST is sure to help you realize your passion.
Our University Leaders
Our esteemed academics and professionals are the leaders in their respective fields, working tirelessly to make HKUST one of the world’s leading academic institutions.
Associate Provost (Health and Medical Sciences), Chair Professor, Clinical Professor
Associate Vice-President for Research and Development (Research)
Dean of HKUST Fok Ying Tung Graduate School, CLP Holdings Professorship of Sustainability
Interim Director of HKUST Jockey Club, Institute for Advanced Study (IAS), Daniel C K Yu Professor of Science
Acting Dean of Business and Management, Elman Family Professor of Business