HKUST - a toddler's perspective


My name is Dumbo and I just turned four years old. I have lived on campus since I was three months old. We moved here because my Daddy works here.

You probably hear a lot of stories about student life and faculty life at HKUST. Well, let me know tell you how it is like to live at HKUST as a toddler.

HKUST is my playground. I love to ride on the tricycle in the atrium with my ‘jie jie’ pushes me around. I especially like to do that on weekday morning because that’s when I see lots of cute looking “gor gor jie jie” come around and say “oh, you are so adorable”. I like the attention but I find it annoying sometimes. My favorite floors are LG5 and LG7 because that’s where I get ice cream from McDonalds and candies from ParkNShop. The couches outside the Coffee shop is my favorite breakfast spot because I get to jump around while having breakfast and my “jie jie” also loves it because she gets to use the public computer terminal to check her facebook.

Before I go to nursery school, my grandma often takes me to ground floor Chinese restaurant for afternoon dim sum. I was such a frequent diner that I was widely recognized by all the wait-staff, much more so than my Dad. My Dad often wonders why when he takes me around campus, that there are more people who can recognize me than him. Oh, I am so popular!

In the summer, when it gets hot, I love to go jump around the fountain on the LG7 lawn. When it gets really hot, I go swimming in the big outdoor swimming pool! The pool gets so crowded on Sunday afternoons when all our neighbors are in there! It is so much fun to see everyone! And the best part about swimming is the popsicle I get to buy afterwards in the canteen across the street. The popsicle costs $5 – which is just right because I get to use the coin refunded from the locker in the changing room.

I see my neighbors everywhere – the pool, the playground, the atrium, coffee shop, and in everything – swimming class, art class, UPC fun day, etc. After I start going to school, I see them in school and on school bus as well. Basically, they are everywhere I go!

So you think UST is just a school for the big students, or a workplace for my Daddy? Nah… UST is also a playground for me!

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