Press Releases and Stories


Press Releases
HKUST Introduces Therapy Cats to Delight Students for the First Time (Chinese version only)
Press Releases
Student Development and Bonding
HKUST Kicks off New Academic Year with Energetic Carnival (Chinese Version Only)
Education, Campus Life, Student Development, Student Development and Bonding
Charting New Waters in Service to Society
Have you ever considered venturing beyond your comfort zone to engage in challenging activities outside the classroom that can boost your confidence and inspire personal growth?
Press Releases
HKUST Sets up “Relaxation Corner” for Students to Unwind and Revitalize During Exam Period (Chinese version only)
學生回到校園竟可像家中一樣在豆袋梳化上充電休息?正值考試期間,香港科技大學(科大)自本周一起舉辦「Recharge · Refuel · Relax」考試周活動,將校園內人流最多的香港賽馬會大堂改造成「放空角落」,舖上大片綠色草地,並添置多個豆袋梳化及迷你高爾夫體驗區,鼓勵學生在努力溫習備試之際,亦可抽空和其他同學見面傾談,從而放鬆心情、釋放壓力。
Global Minds@HKUST series: Shabnam’s Dual PhD Journey Towards an Inclusive World
With over 17,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students from more than 80 countries or regions at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), we pride ourselves as a true cultural melting pot.
Press Releases
Student Development, Student Development and Bonding, Student Innovation, Major Events (On Campus), Design
HKUST Hoodie Design Competition Unleashes Creativity on HKUST Fun Day 2.0
Press Releases
HKUST Celebrates One-Year Anniversary of University Anthem with Grand Campus Sing-along and Ice-cream (Chinese Version Only)
Press Releases
HKUST Presents "Fortune Buns" at Intercultural Fair to Highlight Da Jiu Festival Traditions (Chinese Version Only)