Student Development and Bonding

Charting New Waters in Service to Society

#Campus Life
#Student Development
#Student Development and Bonding
The HKUST Sail and Shine Program, co-organized by HKUST Connect and HKYSUA, offers students the exceptional opportunity of boarding a yacht to experience sailing and learn how to plan social service activities.

The HKUST Sail and Shine Program, co-organized by HKUST Connect and HKYSUA, offers students the exceptional opportunity of boarding a yacht to experience sailing and learn how to plan social service activities.

Manggongzhu is a 56-feet yacht which can accommodate up to 32 people for various onboard activities.

Manggongzhu is a 56-feet yacht which can accommodate up to 32 people for various onboard activities.

Manggongzhu is a platform where students learn sailing and cultivate a sense of responsibility, team spirit, and perseverance.

Manggongzhu is a platform where students learn sailing and cultivate a sense of responsibility, team spirit, and perseverance.

Have you ever considered venturing beyond your comfort zone to engage in challenging activities outside the classroom that can boost your confidence and inspire personal growth? The HKUST Sail and Shine Program can be an excellent choice. HKUST Connect and the Hong Kong Yacht & Start-Up Association (HKYSUA) join forces on this innovative program, which transforms a yacht into a dynamic training platform, enabling students to experience sailing, plan social service activities, and develop lifelong skills. 

Students participating in the program have the unique chance to acquire basic sailing skills aboard the yacht named as Manggongzhu*, making it an unrivaled experience. According to HKYSUA’s founder Andy LEE, sailing can nurture a sense of responsibility, team spirit, and perseverance among students, while engaging in the planning of service activities can hone their interpersonal attitude and problem-solving ability. “These soft skills are not typically found in textbooks, but they are essential in the workplace.” said Andy.

* “Manggongzhu” is the homophone of “white cane” in Cantonese. Andy utilizes yacht training as a “manggongzhu” to navigate young individuals towards their future paths. 

The skipper of Manggongzhu Andy (right) has been involved in sailing for over 40 years. He hopes to share his experience with young people and broaden their horizons.


The HKUST Sail and Shine Program features four sessions of yacht training for students to experience sailing, knotting, berthing, and more.


Developing life skills through sailing

Two recent HKUST graduates, Rico LEUNG of the Aerospace Engineering Program and Edith LEUNG of the Computer Engineering Program, were participants in the first and second cohort of the HKUST Sail and Shine Program, respectively. They both concur that learning experience on the yacht is unforgettable, and that the program not only helps them realize their potential, but also fosters their self-esteem and positivity towards life.

Rico aspires to become a pilot and therefore hopes, through the program, to gain some navigation-related experience and strengthen his adaptability to changes. “Before the program, I had a low ebb of lacking self-confidence,” he recalled. “After joining the program, I learned how to raise sail and berth, with the opportunity to navigate a yacht. Circumnavigating Hong Kong Island was definitely an unforgettable experience! When navigating through wind, waves or rain, staying vigilant and responding promptly are crucial. The training I received has significantly enhanced my self-confidence and judgment.”

Rico(右)參與第一屆科大青年啟航閃耀計劃後,在第二屆計劃中擔當Andy Sir(左)的「助教」,協助指導其他同學。


Affected by the epidemic, Edith rarely had the chance to return to campus and connect with her peers. “I am very glad to have participated in this program after normalcy. It offered me much more learning than I anticipated. For instance, I learnt the significance of taking responsibility and teamwork — lessons that go beyond what I can get from textbooks!” Edith, currently working as a programmer for an online shopping platform, further remarked, “Sailing has instilled in me a proactive mindset and a sense of seriousness. These qualities are incredibly valuable in my career.”




Andy Sir 非常重視學員的學習態度,Edith(右三)會用手機拍下訓練的重點內容,幫助自己溫故知新。


Planning social services to promote personal growth

In addition to learning basic sailing skills, the program incorporates social service elements through activity planning to imbue a sense of social responsibility and empathy among students.

Edith and her teammates designed an activity for ethnic minorities to promote social inclusion. Their activity featured a sailing cruise in Victoria Harbor and showcased some old photos that tell the history of Hong Kong. “We chose ethnic minorities as our service target because we hope that through this activity, they can get to know Hong Kong, feel the care of the locals, and break down the barriers between us.” 

Although the event was eventually called off due to bad weather, Edith was deeply inspired by the planning process. “Although we were inexperienced in social service planning, the ethnic minority staff at the service center remained very patient and friendly and gave us valuable advice.”




Following the program, both Edith and Rico joined the Hong Kong Inter-university BigBoat Association (HKIUBA) and continued their journey of sailing training and volunteer services, with the goal of supporting young people to develop positive values. In March this year, HKIUBA co-organized the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Youth Sailing Program in Macau to facilitate exchange with local students and those from Qingdao. Rico was responsible for all the coordination on the Hong Kong side, including berthing and immigration arrangements, meals and accommodations for participants. “It was my first time taking up administrative work for such a large-scale event as well as communicating  and coordinating with people across different sectors. Despite encountering multiple challenges, they were all resolved in the end. It was an extraordinary experience.” Rico added, “Comparing with academic achievements, I value personal growth more. The experience of sailing and participating in HKIUBA’s events has given me the good opportunity to develop and further my potential.”


粵港澳大灣區青年帆船啟航計劃由香港帆船創業協會及澳門海洋運動學會等發起,由Andy Sir與學生駕駛孟恭祝號從香港到澳門,與澳門及青島學生交流。


Fostering self-improvement and whole-person development

HKUST is committed to encouraging and promoting students’ self-improvement and whole-person development. In particular, HKUST Connect organizes a variety of meaningful activities each year, allowing students to make positive change and meet like-minded friends by engaging in community service. Andy also encourages youths to explore diverse activities, engage with people from various backgrounds, for them to broaden their knowledge and acquire valuable experiences.

Rico and Edith are stellar examples of the program’s success, both becoming more cheerful and confident in embracing new adventures. If you are interested in taking on challenges and saying yes to a fulfilling life, check out the latest updates from HKUST Connect!


首兩屆科大青年啟航閃耀計劃共培訓了28名學員。第三屆計劃將於 2024年9月進行招募,有興趣的同學要密切留意。


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