Press Releases and Stories

Press Releases
HKUST Signs Cooperative Agreement with Nanfang University of Science and Technology (Chinese only)
香 港 科 技 大 學 ( 港 科 大 ) 與 正 在 深 圳 籌 劃 中 的 南 方 科 技 大 學 ( 南 科 大 ) 日 前 就 兩 校 的 長 遠 發 展 與 合 作 事 宜 簽 署 了 合 作 框 架 協 議 。
協 議 內 容 分 三 方 面 : 建 立 兩 校 長 期 合 作 ; 港 科 大 將 在 能 力 所 及 的 範 圍 內 , 協 助 南 科 大 進 行 院 系 規 劃 ; 以 及 港 科 大 在 校 長 統 一 協 調 及 安 排 下 , 某 些 教 職 員 可 參 與 南 科 大 的 建 設 工 作 。

Press Releases
HKUST Launches New Community Engagement Program in Preparation for 4-Year Undergraduate Curriculum
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) today launched a university-wide community engagement program in preparation for the implementation of the 4-year undergraduate curriculum in 2012.
Press Releases
HKUST Professor Honored by World's Leading Authority on Quality
Prof Fugee Tsung, Acting Head of Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), has been elected Fellow of the American Society for Quality (ASQ), becoming one of only four ASQ Fellows in the Greater China Region.

Press Releases
Eminent Composer Bright Sheng to Spearhead Music Education at HKUST and Run Unprecedented Composer-Performer Workshops
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) will run unprecedented workshops where composers and performing musicians work hand in hand to create music for public performance.

Press Releases
HKUST Lee Shau Kee Campus Ground Breaking cum Campus Development Kick-off
To tie in with the launch of the 4-year undergraduate curriculum in 2012, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) will construct a new campus – the “Lee Shau Kee Campus” – named in recognition of a major donation made by the Lee Shau Kee Foundation.

Press Releases
HKUST Installs President and Honors Academic and Social Leaders at 17th Congregation
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) installed Prof Tony F Chan as its third President and conferred honorary doctorates on four academic and social leaders at its 17th Congregation today (Friday).