Press Releases

HKUST Installs President and Honors Academic and Social Leaders at 17th Congregation

 HKUST Council Chairman Dr Marvin Cheung (left) presenting the HKUST Ordinance to President Tony Chan (right). In the middle is Acting Chancellor Mr Henry Tang.
HKUST Council Chairman Dr Marvin Cheung (left) presenting the HKUST Ordinance to President Tony Chan (right). In the middle is Acting Chancellor Mr Henry Tang.
 Prof Tony F Chan delivering his installation speech.
Prof Tony F Chan delivering his installation speech.
 Dr John Chan (first from left, standing) addressing the Congregation on behalf of the Honorary Graduates. (from left) Prof Gregory Chow, Prof Daniel Tsui and Dr Joseph Yam
Dr John Chan (first from left, standing) addressing the Congregation on behalf of the Honorary Graduates. (from left) Prof Gregory Chow, Prof Daniel Tsui and Dr Joseph Yam
 It's all smiles on the face of every graduate.
It's all smiles on the face of every graduate.
 Graduates tossing their hats in jubilation as the Congregation concludes.
Graduates tossing their hats in jubilation as the Congregation concludes.
 HKUST Council Chairman Dr Marvin Cheung (left) presenting the HKUST Ordinance to President Tony Chan (right). In the middle is Acting Chancellor Mr Henry Tang.
 Prof Tony F Chan delivering his installation speech.
 Dr John Chan (first from left, standing) addressing the Congregation on behalf of the Honorary Graduates. (from left) Prof Gregory Chow, Prof Daniel Tsui and Dr Joseph Yam
 It's all smiles on the face of every graduate.
 Graduates tossing their hats in jubilation as the Congregation concludes.

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) installed Prof Tony F Chan as its third President and conferred honorary doctorates on four academic and social leaders at its 17th Congregation today (Friday).

HKSAR Acting Chief Executive and HKUST Acting Chancellor Mr Henry Tang presided over the ceremony.

At the installation ceremony, President Chan pledged to do his very best in the service of HKUST and Hong Kong. "Time is ripe for us to prepare for education reform generated by the change to 4-year university curriculum. HKUST will continue to educate a new generation of leaders who are scientifically literate and technically savvy, with broad understanding of diverse cultures and social issues and dedication to the betterment of humankind," he said.

Four academic and social leaders were conferred honorary doctorates at the ceremony. They were:

Dr CHAN Cho Chak John, Chairman of the HKUST Court and non-executive director of Transport International Holdings Ltd

- Doctor of Social Sciences

Prof Gregory C CHOW, Professor Emeritus of Princeton University

- Doctor of Business Administration

Prof Daniel C TSUI, co-winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1998 and Professor of Electrical Engineering at Princeton University

- Doctor of Science

Dr Joseph Chi-Kwong YAM, former Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority

- Doctor of Business Administration

The Congregation also saw the presentation of other awards for outstanding achievements.

Prof Mike So, Associate Professor of Information Systems, Business Statistics and Operations Management, was bestowed HKUST's highest accolade in teaching - the Michael G Gale Medal for Distinguished Teaching, while the Stephen Cheong Kam-chuen Medal for Distinguished Service to the Student Body was awarded to Mr Max Yeung, President of the HKUST Students' Union 2008-09.

The 17th Congregation conferred 1,929 bachelor's degrees, 1,361 master's degrees, and 146 doctoral degrees, expanding the HKUST alumni community to over 36,000.

For media enquiries, please feel free to contact :

Ross Lai

Tel: 2358 6306 / 9103 2928



Donna Wong

Tel: 2358 6317



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