Press Releases and Stories


Beyond the Storm: A Climate Expert’s Vision for Actionable Climate Adaptation Solutions
Sustainability, Smart Campus, Smart Cities, Sustainability Smart Campus
Beyond the Storm: A Climate Expert’s Vision for Actionable Climate Adaptation Solutions
Landslides, flash floods, and fallen trees—these are just some of the alarming sights accompanying the summer typhoon seasons in Hong Kong.


Press Releases
HKUST Pioneers Official Flexible Work Location Policy
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) is committed to implementing flexible and family-friendly policies that foster an inclusive and supportive workplace.
The Baker’s Winning Recipe for Preserving Intangible Cultural Heritage
If you have celebrated Cheung Chau Bun Festival, chances are you have had the pleasure of savoring one of Kwok Kam Kee’s lucky buns. This year, its famed cake shop - a quaint bakery with more than 50 years of history – sold a whopping 60,000 fortunate buns in just one week.
Press Releases
Sustainability, Sustainability Smart Campus, Sustainable Development, University Development, Electric vehicles
HKUST Enhances Campus EV Charging Infrastructure to Promote Sustainability
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) is investing up to HK$40 million to upgrade 30% of its total parking space with charging capability and related software support for electric vehicles (EV).


Press Releases
HKUSTours Invite Public to Explore Scenic Campus and Surrounding Neighborhood (Chinese version only)
香港科技大學(科大)與由校友創立的社企「街坊帶路」合作,在本月初正式推出「科大深度遊」(HKUSTours) 活動。由衆多不同背景的科大成員,包括現任或已退休的教職員及校友自願擔任導賞員,帶領參與導賞團的科大成員及公眾人士遊覽校園和坑口社區,加深大眾對科大和周邊地區文化和歷史的認識,藉此增強科大與社群的連繫。導賞員包括自創校起於李兆基圖書館工作逾30年的Edwin,以及在海洋研究實驗中心擔任技術員的科大校友Bernadette,他們對科大充滿美好回憶,藉帶領導賞團向參加者分享他們的「科大情」的故事。
HKUST 'Kaifongs’: Building Social Bonds in the Vicinity
Amid the hustle and bustle of Hong Kong, have you ever paused to discover the hidden gems and intriguing stories within your own neighborhood? Luke TAM, an HKUST alumnus and co-founder of Kaifong Tour, is on a mission to illuminate overlooked narratives.
Sustainability, Marine Life, Alumni
Having A Whale of a Time Preserving Underwater Life
Press Releases
HKUST Pilots Two Smart Waste and Water Reduction Measures to Promote the Development of Eight Sustainable Campuses
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) has successfully tested out two carbon reduction measures — an Artificial Intelligence-driven (AI) Reusable Meal Container Lending System and a