HKUST to Host World Economic Forum’s First Leadership Development Program in Greater China on Artificial Intelligence for Young Global Leaders


(From right) HKUST Vice-President for Institutional Advancement Prof. WANG Yang, Chair Professor of the Department of Electronic & Computer Engineering at HKUST Prof. Pascale FUNG and Acting Head of Division of Public Policy at HKUST Prof. Naubahar SHARIF are three of the speakers who give talk to the five-day World Economic Forum Young Global Leaders (YGL) Education Module.


In his welcome remarks at the panel discussion “Navigating the Future of Work in the Age of AI”, Prof. WANG Yang says he hopes the University would leverage its strong ties with the World Economic Forum to help address global challenges.


(From left) CEO of Cyberport Mr. Peter YAN, Prof. Pascale FUNG, Founding Partner of IN. Capital and a YGL alumna Ms. Jennifer ZHU and Prof. Naubahar SHARIF discuss the challenges and opportunities brought by AI in the panel discussion.

HKUST to Host World Economic Forum’s First Leadership Development Program in Greater China on Artificial Intelligence for Young Global Leaders

The concept of Young Global Leaders (YGLs) is integral to fostering global change. These emerging leaders are poised to drive innovation and address pressing global challenges. Education plays a pivotal role in nurturing future leaders, providing them with the knowledge, skills, and ethical grounding necessary for effective leadership.

Education and the Development of Young Global Leaders

Impact of Education on Leadership

Education systems worldwide are instrumental in developing leadership skills and social responsibility among students. By offering diverse curricula and promoting critical thinking, educational institutions lay the groundwork for students to emerge as influential leaders in various fields. The role of education in shaping young global leaders cannot be overstated. It is through a well-rounded education that individuals learn to navigate complex issues, think critically, and act ethically.

Educational institutions like the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) are at the forefront of this mission. By hosting the World Economic Forum's first Leadership Development Program on Artificial Intelligence for Young Global Leaders in Greater China, HKUST is taking significant steps to contribute to the global leadership landscape. This program is designed to equip young executives with the latest knowledge and skills in AI, preparing them to address global challenges effectively.

Importance of Interdisciplinary Education

Interdisciplinary education is crucial for young leaders. It equips them with a broad knowledge base and the ability to tackle complex problems. This approach fosters a holistic understanding of global issues, enabling leaders to devise innovative solutions. At HKUST, interdisciplinary education is a core component of their curriculum. The university recognizes that the challenges faced by young global leaders are multifaceted and require a diverse set of skills and knowledge.

By integrating various disciplines such as technology, business, and humanities, HKUST ensures that its students are well-prepared to lead in an interconnected world. The Young Global Leaders program hosted by HKUST exemplifies this approach, providing participants with a comprehensive understanding of AI and its impact on global economies and societies.

Holistic Development through Education

Holistic development through education involves not only academic excellence but also the cultivation of emotional intelligence, ethical values, and social responsibility. For young global leaders, these attributes are essential. HKUST emphasizes the importance of a holistic approach to education, nurturing well-rounded individuals who are capable of making positive contributions to society.

Programs like the Young Global Leaders initiative provide a platform for participants to develop these qualities. Through workshops, lectures, and hands-on experiences, young leaders learn to navigate the complexities of the modern world with integrity and compassion.

Education Innovation and Young Leadership

Innovative Educational Models

Innovative educational models are essential in inspiring creativity and innovation among young leaders. By adopting new teaching methods and integrating technology, educational institutions can enhance learning experiences and better prepare students for leadership roles. HKUST is a pioneer in implementing innovative educational models. The university's commitment to leveraging technology in education is evident in its various programs and initiatives.

The Young Global Leaders program, for instance, incorporates cutting-edge AI technology into its curriculum. Participants are exposed to the latest developments in AI and learn how to apply this knowledge to real-world problems. This hands-on approach to learning fosters innovation and creativity among young leaders, preparing them to tackle future challenges with confidence.

Application of Technology in Education

Technological tools and platforms are transforming education. They provide young leaders with access to vast resources and support their development. This integration of technology in education is vital for equipping young leaders with the skills needed to navigate a rapidly changing world. At HKUST, the use of technology in education is a top priority. The university has established research centers and labs dedicated to AI and other emerging technologies.

These resources are made available to students and program participants, allowing them to engage with the latest technological advancements. The Young Global Leaders program, for example, includes visits to InnoHK research centers and tech conglomerates in Hong Kong and Shenzhen. These visits provide participants with firsthand experience of how technology is being used to drive innovation and solve global problems.

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Education

Artificial intelligence is playing an increasingly important role in education. It has the potential to personalize learning experiences, streamline administrative tasks, and provide insights into student performance. For young global leaders, understanding AI and its applications is crucial. HKUST's focus on AI in its Young Global Leaders program reflects this understanding.

Participants in the program learn about the various ways AI can be applied in different fields, from healthcare to finance to public policy. By gaining a deep understanding of AI, young leaders are better equipped to harness its potential and drive positive change in their respective areas of influence.

Education and Global Challenges

Education and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Education is a powerful tool in helping young leaders understand and address Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). By incorporating SDGs into curricula, educational institutions can cultivate a sense of global responsibility and drive for sustainable development among students. HKUST is committed to integrating SDGs into its educational programs. The university recognizes that achieving these goals requires a concerted effort from leaders across all sectors.

Through its Young Global Leaders program, HKUST provides participants with the knowledge and skills needed to contribute to the SDGs. The program's curriculum includes discussions on how AI can be used to address global challenges such as poverty, inequality, and climate change. By equipping young leaders with this knowledge, HKUST is helping to create a generation of leaders who are committed to sustainable development.

Fostering Global Citizenship Awareness

Education also plays a key role in fostering global citizenship awareness. Through exposure to different cultures and global issues, students develop a deeper understanding of the world and are better prepared to contribute positively to global society. HKUST places a strong emphasis on fostering global citizenship among its students. The university's international campus and diverse student body provide a rich environment for cross-cultural learning and exchange.

The Young Global Leaders program exemplifies this commitment to global citizenship. Participants from 22 countries and regions come together to learn from each other and share their perspectives. This cultural exchange enhances their understanding of global issues and prepares them to lead with empathy and inclusivity.

The Role of Education in Addressing Global Inequities

Education is a powerful tool in addressing global inequities. It provides individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to improve their lives and communities. For young global leaders, education is essential in understanding and addressing the root causes of inequities. HKUST is dedicated to using education as a means to address global inequities. Through its programs and initiatives, the university strives to provide opportunities for all students, regardless of their background.

The Young Global Leaders program is a testament to this commitment. By bringing together young leaders from diverse backgrounds, HKUST promotes an inclusive approach to leadership. Participants learn to recognize and address inequities in their own communities and beyond, fostering a more equitable and just world.

Promoting Ethical Leadership through Education

Ethical leadership is crucial in addressing global challenges. Educational institutions have a responsibility to instill ethical values in their students, preparing them to lead with integrity and responsibility. HKUST places a strong emphasis on ethical leadership in its educational programs. The university's curriculum includes courses on ethics, social responsibility, and leadership, ensuring that students are well-prepared to navigate complex ethical dilemmas.

The Young Global Leaders program reinforces these values. Participants are encouraged to consider the ethical implications of their decisions and actions. Through discussions and case studies, they learn to balance competing interests and make decisions that are in the best interest of society.

Educational Networks and Partnerships

Role of Young Leader Networks

Young leader networks are invaluable for knowledge sharing and international collaboration. These networks provide platforms for young leaders to exchange ideas, learn from each other, and work together on global initiatives. HKUST recognizes the importance of these networks and actively fosters connections among young leaders.

The Young Global Leaders program serves as a platform for building these networks. Participants have the opportunity to connect with peers from around the world, share their experiences, and collaborate on projects. These connections extend beyond the duration of the program, creating a lasting network of young leaders who continue to support and inspire each other.

Importance of Educational Partnerships

Building educational partnerships is crucial for supporting young leaders. Collaborations between institutions, governments, and organizations can enhance educational opportunities and resources, thereby aiding the development of future leaders. HKUST values the importance of partnerships and has established numerous collaborations with leading institutions and organizations worldwide.

The Young Global Leaders program is a prime example of the power of partnerships. By collaborating with the World Economic Forum and other prestigious universities, HKUST is able to offer a world-class program that benefits participants and contributes to the global leadership landscape.

Leveraging Global Networks for Leadership Development

Global networks play a vital role in leadership development. They provide young leaders with access to diverse perspectives, resources, and opportunities. HKUST leverages its global networks to support the development of young leaders. The university's participation in the Forum's Global University Leaders Forum is a testament to its commitment to global collaboration.

Through these networks, HKUST faculty and students are able to engage with global leaders, share their insights, and contribute to important discussions. The Young Global Leaders program benefits from these connections, providing participants with unique opportunities to learn from and collaborate with leading experts and organizations.

Final Thoughts on the Role of Education in Leadership Development

Education is fundamental in nurturing young global leaders. By providing a solid educational foundation, promoting interdisciplinary learning, and fostering innovation, we can equip young leaders with the tools they need to succeed. Continuous education and lifelong learning are essential for their ongoing development and success.

HKUST's commitment to education and leadership development is evident in its hosting of the World Economic Forum's Young Global Leaders program. This initiative not only enhances the knowledge and skills of participants but also contributes to the broader goal of fostering a new generation of ethical, innovative, and globally-minded leaders.

A Call to Support the Next Generation of Leaders

We urge educational institutions, policymakers, and society at large to support the education and development of young global leaders. By investing in their education, we invest in the future of global leadership. The collaboration and commitment of all stakeholders are crucial in creating a world where young leaders can thrive and drive positive change.

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) will be the first University in Greater China to host World Economic Forum’s (Forum) Young Global Leaders (YGL) leadership development program.  Next month, the University will welcome 40 distinguished young executives from areas spanning legal, tech, media, public administration to investment banking and humanitarian aid across 22 countries and regions as far as Africa, Latin America, Europe and the Middle East.

The highly selective and diverse group of participants, including senior executives and members from companies and organizations such as Brazilian political parties, Baker McKenzie, CNN, and Rio de Janeiro State Prosecutor’s office, will attend the five-day program hosted by HKUST to learn about the latest developments in artificial intelligence (AI) and the technology’s impact on global economies and societies. Universities from around the world, including Harvard, Princeton, Cambridge and Oxford have previously hosted this program with the Forum on topics of global importance, such as energy innovation and sustainability.

Apart from workshops and lectures on various AI topics to be delivered by world-class scholars from HKUST, University of Hong Kong and the Education University of Hong Kong, HKUST will also organize visits to its InnoHK research centers, as well as startups and tech conglomerates in Hong Kong and Shenzhen. These visits aim to facilitate exchange of ideas among the international program participants, and entrepreneurs, mid-stream researchers and venture capitalists in the Greater Bay Area.  

The program will continue to run over the next two years.

As a prelude to the program, HKUST also hosted a panel discussion entitled “Navigating the Future of Work in the Age of AI” today, where Prof. Pascale FUNG, Chair Professor of the Department of Electronic & Computer Engineering at HKUST, Prof. Naubahar SHARIF, Acting Head of Division of Public Policy at HKUST, Mr. Peter YAN, CEO of Cyberport, and Ms. Jennifer ZHU, Founding Partner of IN. Capital and a YGL alumna, discussed the challenges and opportunities presented by the unprecedented technological advancement brought by AI.  They also explored the responsible use of AI and ways to overcome obstacles in its integration into our future.

In his welcome remarks at the event, HKUST Vice-President for Institutional Advancement Prof. WANG Yang said, “HKUST has been the only university representative from Hong Kong in the Forum’s Global University Leaders Forum since our collaboration began more than a decade ago.  During this time, HKUST faculty members have had the great opportunity to share their insights at different Forum occasions with global leaders across governments, business sectors and international organizations on some of the world’s most pressing issues. Our strong ties with the Forum have been pivotal in fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration from which we hope HKUST can help address some of these global challenges.” 

As a world-class research-focused university, HKUST embraces the potential of AI to transform research and education, and is committed to taking the lead in pioneering interdisciplinary research and development on AI as one of its six research focus areas*. HKUST researchers apply AI to various projects in life science, economics, and electronic engineering at research centers, institutes and laboratories. These include the AI Chip Center for Emerging Smart Systems, Center for Artificial Intelligence Research, Big Data Institute, and HKUST-HKPC Joint Research Lab for Industrial AI and Robotics. In terms of teaching, HKUST is the first university in Hong Kong that allows the use of ChatGPT. It has also set up a special AI teaching and learning fund for faculty to develop best practices and apply generative AI technology in courses.

* The six research focus areas are: 1) Biomedical Science and Translational Medicine, 2) Material Science and Future Energy, 3) AI, Future Computing and Electronics, 4) Innovation for Business Management, 5) Environmental Science—Sustainability and Green Tech and 6) Art Tech, Humanities and Social Science.

About The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) ( is a world-class research intensive university that focuses on science, technology and business as well as humanities and social science. HKUST offers an international campus, and a holistic and interdisciplinary pedagogy to nurture well-rounded graduates with global vision, a strong entrepreneurial spirit and innovative thinking. Over 80% of our research work were rated “Internationally excellent” or “world leading” in the Research Assessment Exercise 2020 of Hong Kong’s University Grants Committee. We were ranked 2nd in Times Higher Education’s Young University Rankings 2023, and our graduates were ranked 30th worldwide and among the best from universities from Asia in Global Employability University Ranking and Survey 2022. As of early 2023, HKUST members have founded 1,645 active start-ups, including 9 Unicorns and 11 exits (IPO or M&A), generating economic impact worth over HK$400billion. InvestHK cited QS World University Rankings by Subject 2021 to demonstrate the performance of five world’s top 100 local universities in several innovation-centric areas, among which HKUST ranked top in four engineering and materials science subjects.

For media enquiries, please contact:
Johnny Tam
Tel: 2358 8556

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Tel: 2358 6317

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