Professor Hong K. LO, BSc, MS, MCRP, PhD, JP

Dean of Engineering

Professor Hong K. Lo, BSc, MS, MCRP, PhD, JP



Prof. Hong K. Lo was appointed as Dean of Engineering with effect from January 1, 2023.

Prof. Lo is currently Chair Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Founding Director of GREAT Smart Cities Institute. He received his PhD in Civil Engineering from the Ohio State University in 1991. After working at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, Prof. Lo joined HKUST as Assistant Professor of Civil and Structural Engineering in 1996, and rose through the ranks of Associate Professor in 2001, full Professor in 2007, and Chair Professor in 2014.

Prof. Lo is an accomplished scholar in intelligent transportation systems, smart cities, and sustainability. He developed the first-ever agent-based dynamic transportation model for Hong Kong, which has been adopted by the industry for network service planning. His research on signalized roundabouts has also been adopted for implementation. He has extensive knowledge of the local research landscape and is actively establishing collaborations with the government and industries. He serves as the founding editor-in-chief of Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics and managing editor of Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems. Prof. Lo has received a number of awards, including the prestigious triennial World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR) Award and the Research Excellence Award of the School of Engineering. Being a passionate educator, Prof. Lo has received the School’s teaching excellence awards three times, at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Prof. Lo has broad knowledge of academic administration and hands-on experience in key administrative positions in the University, including having been Associate Dean of Engineering (Undergraduate Studies) (2011-2015), Head of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (2015-2021), Founding Director of GREAT Smart Cities Institute (since 2018), Academic Lead of Sustainable Smart Campus as a Living Lab (since 2019), and Chair of numerous committees at various levels.