Professor Jimmy FUNG, PhD

Associate Provost (Teaching & Learning)

Professor Jimmy Fung, PhD



Prof. Jimmy C H Fung was appointed Associate Provost (Teaching & Learning) on 31 January 2022.

Prof. Fung is a Chair Professor in the Department of Mathematics in the School of Science, and the Division of Environment & Sustainability in the Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies.  He is also currently serving the roles of the Chairman of the Undergraduate Admission Sub-Committee (since 2021), Member of the Undergraduate Studies (since 2011), and the Associate Director of the Atmospheric Research Center (since 2017).

Prof. Fung also serves in many professional capacities, including the Scientific Advisor of the Hong Kong Observatory (since 2008), Chairman of the Environmental Research, Technology Demonstration and Conference Vetting Sub-committee under the Environment and Conservation Fund Committee (since 2021), Air Ventilation Assessment Consultant for the Hong Kong SAR: Planning Department (since 2010).

Prof. Fung specializes in atmospheric meteorology and air quality modeling, as well as the application of remote sensing technology on air quality research in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta Region.   Prof. Fung has over fifteen years of experience in applying advanced atmospheric chemistry models (including CMAQ and CAMx) to study air quality over HK and PRD regions.  Through using both statistical and prognostic air quality prediction techniques in simulating the wind fields for different meteorological conditions, and at different temporal and spatial scales, his research team has designed the Air Pollution Index forecast system currently in operation at the HK Environmental Protection Department (HKEPD) and more recently, he has helped them to upgrade their air quality model PATH which consists of meteorological models, emission models and chemical transport models.  Prof. Fung’s research has had a significant and wide-reaching impact on the environment, public policy, public understanding, and public health.

Prof. Fung received his BSc and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Durham and the University of Cambridge, respectively.  After serving a period of post-doctoral research at the University of Cambridge, he returned to Hong Kong and joined HKUST as Assistant Professor in 1992 and rose through the ranks to become Chair Professor in 2021.

Prior to this administrative appointment, Prof. Fung served two terms as the Head of the Division of Environment & Sustainability (2014 – 2020).  He has also served numerous committees at all fonts at the University, actively engaged in nurturing UG education for HKUST through taking up the MATH UG Coordinator for nine years (2005-2013), and the Chair of the MATH Teaching Evaluation Committee.  On teaching font, Prof. Fung won the prestigious “Michael G. Gale Medal for Distinguished Teaching Award” in 2013.  He is also the only record-keeping winner that had won the “Best Ten Lecturers in HKUST” for twelve times at HKUST.