Press Releases and Stories


Press Releases
Citi International Case Competition 2009 encourages future business leaders to think outside the box
University of Melbourne has won the Citi International Case Competition 2009 with an innovative ten-year business plan for the world's leading smartcard company.
Press Releases
"Most Entrepreneurial Scientist of USA" Casts Vote of Confidence in the Development of Life Science and Protein Drugs in Hong Kong
Prof Paul Schimmel, winner of the “Most Entrepreneurial Scientist of USA” award and a Visiting Professor of the Institute for Advanced Study at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), has cast his vote of confidence in Hong Kong’s future in life science research as well as in
Press Releases
HKUST President, Students and Staff Organize campus Torch Relay to Support East Asian Games
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) today (Wednesday) organized a torch relay on campus to show its support for the 2009 East Asian Games.
Press Releases
HKUST to Confer Honorary Doctorates on Eminent Academics and Leaders
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) will be conferring honorary doctorates on four eminent academics and community leaders in recognition of their illustrious contributions and achievements.
Press Releases
Industry-Academia Partnership Underpins New Economy
Partnership between industry and the academia will play a critical role in underpinning the new economy as governments in leading economies turn to scientific and technological research as an engine of growth in the face of financial tsunami, according to Prof Matthew Yuen, Acting Vice-President
Press Releases
Another Top-Ranking for Kellogg-HKUST EMBA
The Kellogg-HKUST Executive MBA program has surpassed all leading institutions in the world as it has once again been ranked no. 1 by the Financial Times 2009 EMBA global rankings. 
Press Releases
Prof YS Wong Encourages Students to Pursue the Spiritual Value of Science (Chinese only)
香 港 科 技 大 學 副 校 長 黃 玉 山 教 授 今 天 ( 2009 年 10 月 16 日 ) 表 示 : 香 港 的 年 青 人 往 往 只 看 到 科 學 的 「 工 具 價 值 」 , 而 忽 略 了 科 學 的 「 精 神 價 值 」 。 「 在 我 們 學 校 的 課 程 裡 , 除 了 涉 獵 具 體 的 科 學 知 識 外 , 更 應 該 在 同 學 們 心 中 樹 立 科 學 的 精 神 價 值 , 使 我 們 對 科 學 能 夠 有 一 個 更 全 面 、 更 確 切 的 理 解 , 」 黃 教 授 說 。
Press Releases
HKUST's MBA Program Ranks Top in Asia Once Again
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology's School of Business and Management (HKUST Business School) is delighted that its MBA program has for four years in a row been ranked top in Asia and Hong Kong by The Economist.