Press Releases and Stories


Press Releases
Partnership, University Development, Innovation, Biomedical Science
Opening of HKUST Shanghai Center in Xuhui District


Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Alumni
“I am an HKUSTer” Series: The HKUST Innovative Thinker Redefines Banking Industry
Innovation, Artificial Intelligence
Hong Kong Enters the Era of AI: Healthcare Sector to Benefit the Most (Chinese Version Only)
人工智能(Artificial Intelligence, 簡稱AI) 的出現, 令今後的世界將會由三種人組成: 即女人、男人和可以跟人交流的機器人! 人工智能令人與機器之間能更緊密地協作, 將會推動現代社會和人類文明的發展. 其深遠影響將遠超過互聯網的出現.勢必重組人類社會各行各業的運作模式. 這是一次重大的範式轉移,大家是否已準備好了?
Press Releases
Entrepreneurship, Youth Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Student Innovation
HKUST-Sino One Million Dollar Entrepreneurship Competition 2024 Welcomes Both HK and Overseas Teams for the First Time to Foster Vibrant Entrepreneurship Ecosystems
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) and Sino Group are committed to nurturing the next generation of innovative talents.
Press Releases
Innovation, Research, Business
HKUST Launches Institute for Financial Research to Drive Financial Innovation in a New Era of Global Finance
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) today announced the establishment of the HKUST Institute for Financial Research (the Institute), with a mission to address the multi-faceted social and economic issues through financial research and technological innovation, in collaborat
Press Releases
Pure Mathematics, Innovation
HKUST, CUHK, HKU and NUS Receive HK$50 million from GS Charity Foundation in Support of Research and Talent Development on Pure Mathematics
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), The University of Hong Kong (HKU), and the National University of Singapore (NUS) have received a total of HK$50 million donation from GS Charity Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the Glorio
Press Releases
Research, Research and Technology, Innovation, Award, Recognition
Five HKUST Research Projects Receive Funding from First Batch of RAISe+ Scheme
Five projects from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) were among the first batch of 24 projects awarded funding under the “Research, Academic and Industry Sectors One-plus (RAISe+) Scheme” by the Innovation and Technology Commission of the Government.
Interdisciplinary, Innovation, Education
Rebar Tying Robot – A Knowledge Transfer Odyssey from HKUST to the GBA