Press Releases and Stories

Press Releases
HKUST and CIL Establish Joint Laboratory to Nurture Innovative Research on Environmental Health Technologies
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) and Chiaphua Industries Limited (CIL) officially establish the HKUST-CIL Joint Laboratory of Innovative Environmental Health Technologies today.

Press Releases
First HKUST Scholar Wins Top Prize of State Natural Science Award for Outstanding Achievements in Aggregation-induced Emission (AIE)
A research team led by Prof Tang Benzhong – Stephen Kam-chuen Cheong Professor of Science and Chair Professor of Chemistry at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), received the State Natural Science Award

Press Releases
HKUST and BGI Group Establish Joint Research Center on Biotechnological Science and Engineering
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) and leading genomics organization BGI Group will establish a joint research center that will set the stage for the next-generation sequencing platform and research efforts that produce novel medical diagnosis and treatments with transform

Press Releases
HKUST Researchers Create Solid Metamaterials with Fluid-like Property that Can Be Used for Wave Filtering and May Help Protect Buildings from Earthquakes
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) researchers have successfully created solid composite materials with the unique wave property of fluid, a property of which forbids the transmission of transverse waves.