Press Releases and Stories
Press Releases
HKUST Hosts Memorial Service in Memory of Founding President Prof. Chia-Wei WOO (Chinese Version Only)
香港科技大學(科大)今日下午於逸夫演藝中心舉行追思會,悼念創校校長吳家瑋教授。近500名包括駐港聯絡辦代表、多家大學校長與高層管理人員,科大校董會及顧問委員會成員,以及現任與退休教職員、校友、學生及吳校長親友出席儀式,另有眾多海內外人士收看網上直播,共同緬懷吳校長對科大、以至香港高等教育的傑出貢獻。中央有關部門、香港特別行政區行政長官李家超、多位特區政府司局長 、香港及內地高等院校以至政商界別友好亦有致送花牌。

Press Releases
HKUST Submits Proposal for Hong Kong’s Third Medical School
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) submitted its formal proposal to the government today for the establishment of Hong Kong’s third medical school, an important initiative highlighted in the 2024 Policy Address by the Chief Executive of the HKSAR.

Press Releases
HKUST President Prof. Nancy IP Responds to 2025 - 2026 Budget
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) welcomes the array of measures introduced by Financial Secretary Mr. Paul CHAN to advance HK’s innovation and technology (I&T) development in his Budget announcement today (February 26).

Press Releases
HKUST Council Advisory Group Holds Inaugural Meeting to Steer Vision for Hong Kong’s Third Medical School
Medical experts from around the world bridged the gap from four different time zones and gathered before midnight for the inaugural meeting to help advance The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)’s goal of establishing a third medical school in Hong Kong, an important initiativ