Press Releases and Stories

Press Releases
Joint Statement: Prioritising Mental Health and Building Connections Among University Students in Hong Kong
We are saddened by the recent spate of tragic incidents involving the passing of our students and young people. As the representatives responsible for student affairs at eight local universities, we are determined to give the highest priority to the mental well-being of our students.
Press Releases
HKUST Hosts “Have a Great Start!” Event to Welcome Students Back for New Academic Year Commencement (Chinese version only)
受超強颱風蘇拉影響,香港科技大學(科大)原訂於上周五舉辦的「Have a Great Start!」開學歡迎活動延至今日(九月四日)舉行。去年10月上任、今年首次以校長身份與同學一起迎接新學年的葉玉如教授,與一眾大學管理層,在校園向同學派發由科大校友創立的精品品牌汽水,為同學打「氣」,並跟他們一同參與幸運輪抽獎活動派發小禮品。葉校長於開學日向師生及教職員發電郵,鼓勵他們充分利用大學的設施和資源,全心投入追求學術和研究卓越,並把握所有能促進個人成長和發展機會。
Insider tips for landing your dream job: “Grades matter, but…”
In today's fiercely competitive job market, fresh graduates need to go the extra mile to stand out. HKUST recognizes this and provides numerous opportunities to support students’ career planning, offering them invaluable on-the-job exposure.

Global Minds@HKUST series: Embarking on an East-Meets-West odyssey with Yigit the globetrotter
With over 17,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students from more than 80 countries or regions at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), we pride ourselves as a true cultural melting pot.