HKUST Showcases Sustainability Leadership at Global Sustainable Development Congress

HKUST Vice-President for Institutional Advancement Prof. WANG Yang shares his insights during a panel discussion at the GSDC.

HKUST Vice-President for Institutional Advancement Prof. WANG Yang shares his insights during a panel discussion at the GSDC.

Head of Division of Environment and Sustainability Prof. Alexis LAU and Co-Chair of the Urban Prediction Project of World Meteorological Organization (WMO)’s World Weather Research Program Prof. CHEN Fei, along with Ms. Eva YEUNG, Senior Manager of Community Resilience Service from Hong Kong Red Cross discuss on sustainable topics in a Masterclass.

Head of Division of Environment and Sustainability Prof. Alexis LAU and Co-Chair of the Urban Prediction Project of World Meteorological Organization (WMO)’s World Weather Research Program Prof. CHEN Fei, along with Ms. Eva YEUNG, Senior Manager of Community Resilience Service from Hong Kong Red Cross, discuss how personalized warnings tailored to vulnerable populations can help reduce live losses and damages amid extreme weather, and how scientists can work with humanitarian and non-profit-making organizations to disseminate the messages to the communities.

HKUST Dean of Engineering Prof. Hong LO elucidated the elements crucial for driving smart innovations in sustainable cities and communities, and how to address urban challenges and promote resource efficiency through the application of big data analytics and integrating technologies such as AI and Internet of Things (IoT).

HKUST Dean of Engineering Prof. Hong LO elucidated the elements crucial for driving smart innovations in sustainable cities and communities, and how to address urban challenges and promote resource efficiency through the application of big data analytics and integrating technologies such as AI and Internet of Things (IoT).

HKUST Vice-President for Institutional Advancement Prof. WANG Yang (front row, third right) leads a Joint Declaration signed by 15 universities to promote Carbon Neutrality with a living lab approach. Representatives from Chulalongkorn University, National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, Taylor’s University and University of New South Wales Sydney attend the ceremony at GSDC.

HKUST Vice-President for Institutional Advancement Prof. WANG Yang (front row, third right) leads a Joint Declaration signed by 15 universities to promote Carbon Neutrality with a living lab approach. Representatives from Chulalongkorn University, National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, Taylor’s University and University of New South Wales Sydney attend the ceremony at GSDC.

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) recently showcased its pioneering sustainability solutions on the global stage at the 2024 Global Sustainable Development Congress (GSDC) in Thailand from June 10-13. The event brought together 3,000 global thought leaders and innovators to address the sustainability challenges. 

The HKUST delegation was led by Vice-President for Institutional Advancement Prof. WANG Yang,  joined by Prof. Hong LO, Dean of Engineering; Daisy CHAN, Associate Vice-President (Global Engagement & Communications); Dr. Alison Elizabeth LLOYD, Associate Provost  (Institutional Data and Research); Prof. Alexis LAU, Head of Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR); Prof. CHEN Fei, Co-Chair of the Urban Prediction Project of World Meteorological Organization (WMO)’s World Weather Research Program; Marcus LEUNG-SHEA, Acting Director of Sustainability/Net-Zero Office and Yvonne LI, Head of Global Engagement and Greater China Affairs. 

HKUST joined a thought-provoking Panel where Prof. Wang exchanged insights in a panel discussion on how to drive a sustainable future amid the digital revolution with professionals such as an executive from Google and a ministerial commissioner from Hungary. HKUST also hosted two well-received Masterclasses at the GSDC. In the session on the development of early warning systems for extreme weather, Prof. Alexis LAU and Prof. CHEN Fei, along with Ms. Eva YEUNG, Senior Manager of Community Resilience Service from Hong Kong Red Cross, discussed how personalized warnings tailored to vulnerable populations can help reduce live losses and damages amid extreme weather, and how scientists can work with humanitarian and non-profit-making organizations to disseminate the messages to the communities. In another session, Prof. Hong LO, elucidated the elements crucial for driving smart innovations in sustainable cities and communities, and how to address urban challenges and promote resource efficiency through the application of big data analytics and integrating technologies such as AI and Internet of Things (IoT).

A highlight of the GSDC was the announcement of the Joint Declaration on Embracing a Living Lab Approach to Promote Carbon Neutrality on June 12. This declaration was initiated by HKUST and endorsed by 15 universities from Asia, Europe, Oceania, North America, and the Middle East. A detailed list of participating universities is enclosed at the end of the article.
The Congress served as a valuable platform for HKUST to highlight its advanced sustainability initiatives. The University will continue leading the sustainability revolution through collaboration, innovation and action.

* Participating Universities (in alphabetical order):
1. Chulalongkorn University
2. Khalifa University of Science and Technology
3. Korea University
4. KTH Royal Institute of Technology
5. Nanyang Technological University
6. National University of Singapore
7. Nazarbayev University
8. Taylor’s University
9. The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
10. Tongji University
11. University of Liverpool
12. University of New South Wales Sydney
13. University of Science and Technology of China
14. University of Toronto
15. Zhejiang University
