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Area of Expertise:
Chinese cultural history
Chinese literary and visual modernity
Chinese literary history
Chinese political and intellectual history
Philosophy and religion
Chinese literary and visual modernity
Chinese literary history
Chinese political and intellectual history
Philosophy and religion
Joshua DERMAN 杜哲士
Division of Humanities
Acting Head and Associate Professor
(852) 2358 5869
Area of Expertise:
Global intellectual history
History of social and political thought
Modern European history
History of social and political thought
Modern European history
Lok Cheung Lawrence ZHANG 張樂翔
Division of Humanities
Associate Professor
(852) 2358 7825
Area of Expertise:
Chinese business history
Chinese history
Chinese political and intellectual history
Chinese social and economic history
China-Burma-India theatre in WWII
Chinese history
Chinese political and intellectual history
Chinese social and economic history
China-Burma-India theatre in WWII