
HKUST Provost Prof. GUO Yike (second right), Associate Provost for Institutional Data and Research Dr. Alison LLOYD (first right), and Associate Dean of Science for Research and Graduate Studies Prof. LAW Kam Tuen (first left), engage in fruitful discussions with Dr. Mary CROUGHAN (second left), Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor of the University of California, Davis.

HKUST Provost Prof. GUO Yike (second right), Associate Provost for Institutional Data and Research Dr. Alison LLOYD (first right), and Associate Dean of Science for Research and Graduate Studies Prof. LAW Kam Tuen (first left), engage in fruitful discussions with Dr. Mary CROUGHAN (second left), Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor of the University of California, Davis.

HKUST Provost Prof. GUO Yike (right) exchanges souvenirs with Dr. Mary CROUGHAN (left), Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor of the University of California, Davis.

HKUST Provost Prof. GUO Yike (right) exchanges souvenirs with Dr. Mary CROUGHAN (left), Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor of the University of California, Davis.

Dr. CROUGHAN takes a photo in front of the iconic “Red Bird” sculpture at the Piazza.

Dr. CROUGHAN takes a photo in front of the iconic “Red Bird” sculpture at the Piazza.

香港科技大學(科大)於4月23日迎接加州大學戴維斯分校的教務長兼執行副校長 Mary CROUGHAN 教授到訪。

科大首席副校長郭毅可教授、協理副校長 (大學數據研究)萊韻詩博士以及理學院副院長(研究及研究生教務)羅錦團教授與Croughan 博士會面,雙方就推進學術研究和加強兩校之間的合作進行了富有成效的討論。

