HKUST In The Media

【科創獻港力之傑出創科學人】前NASA專家蘇慧抵港兩年 研探測儀助力應對氣候變化 衛星專家製天眼 港首載荷登天宮

In an exclusive interview, CIVIL Prof. SU Hui said that she decided to come to HK, after taking account of the advantages of scientific research in HK, the opportunities and support coming from the Motherland. 

優化法治營商環境 壯大民營經濟

A column article by MGMT Chair Prof. LI Jiatao on optimizing the legal and business environment to strengthen the private sector.

China Daily
Hong Kong promotes low-altitude economy as new growth engine

The government held a launch event at HKUST for the inaugural batch of Low-Altitude Economy (LAE) Regulatory Sandbox pilot projects.

THE國際化大學排名 港4校勝牛津劍橋

In the latest THE ranking of the world's most international universities, HKUST rose seven places to 2nd. 

Hong Kong United Times
Unleashing empowerment discussion at ‘Nuit des Idees’ in Apr 

OCES Lecturer Prof. Cindy LAM Ka-Sin developed a VR experience for the exhibition titled "Preserving Our Ocean," which will be part of a global event "Night of Ideas."


MATH/IEDA Prof. CHEN Kani highlighted that the core challenge in AI agent research is achieving ability evolution through reinforcement learning.

科大交建設第三所醫學院建議書 (15:45)

HKUST submitted its formal proposal to the government for the establishment of Hong Kong's third medical school.  



A feature about ECE Prof. LI Zexiang’s effort in promoting the innovation and technology development.

陳茂波指加強創科人才培養 孫東:支持本地大學航天科技研究

Led by HKUST, the Hong Kong Space Robotics and Energy Center, part of the InnoHK Research Clusters initiative, has spearheaded the development of a cutting-edge multifunctional lunar surface robot.

【科創獻港力】港科大聯手北大清華共推醫學合作 促進兩地醫學教育體系融合 推動科創與臨床服務高質量發展

HKUST announced on Friday that it has signed strategic cooperation agreements with Peking University Health Science Center and Tsinghua Medicine.

South China Morning Post
Women in STEM round table: bias, barriers and breakthroughs

SCMP's PostMag program hosted a discussion between five HK-based innovators blazing a trail, including LIFS/CBE Assoc. Prof. Angela WU Ruohao.

科大看未來 冀培育科技醫學人才

P Prof. Nancy IP emphasized the need for a new medical school to nurture a generation of doctors who embrace technology in a Sing Tao interview during the “Two Sessions”.