hkust firsts background


Entrepreneurial Knowledge

We provide a breeding ground for nascent entrepreneurs who aspire to become the global leaders of tomorrow and create a positive impact on the world
HKUST Entrepreneurial Knowledge

Entrepreneurship Minor Program

This undergraduate program aims to cultivate a risk-taking value-creation mindset by building skills, enhancing hands-on experience to pursue entrepreneurship and identify critical stages in a startup.

MSc in Technology Leadership and Entrepreneurship (TLE)

This program marries both entrepreneurship and technology, providing a coherent path that emphasizes innovation and leadership. Students are provided with interdisciplinary opportunities that emphasizes a route beyond research.


A full list of seminars, lectures, and project courses available throughout the academic year.

Entrepreneurial Ideation

Assistance, advice, and events to get your innovative ideas incubated
HKUST Entrepreneurship Degree


Get to know the mentors who are dedicated to helping you grow your companies and provide you with guidance on vision and strategy. We pair you with mentors who are serial entrepreneurs, VC, or alumni.

HKUST Entrepreneurship Degree


Annual competitions that provide participants with a chance to introduce their business plans to an international panel of investors and executives, establishing themselves within our University and in Hong Kong.

Campus Opportunities

Opportunities on Campus

Discover the many opportunities on campus that provide entrepreneurial education and training.

Entrepreneurial Execution

Bring our business ideas to test in real world settings
HKUST Academic Calendar

Our Startups

A directory of startups that have been created and are associated with our University.

HKUST Entrepreneurship Incubation


Our incubation program aims to facilitate knowledge diffusion and technology transfer that stimulates the creation of startup companies, encouraging innovation-based entrepreneurship.

HKUST Entrepreneurship Events

Entrepreneurship Events

Our events help you enhance your entrepreneurial competencies, ideation process, and execution capability.

Success Stories

Read about the amazing ways in which our discoveries and inventions have changed our way of life
HKUST Entrepreneurship Degree Success Stories

Success Stories

Read about the amazing ways in which our discoveries and inventions have changed our way of life

News On Entrepreneurship

Keep up with our breakthroughs, achievements, and success stories regarding entrepreneurship
Group Photo
科大生命科學團隊建立顱內視束損傷模型 揭示重塑中樞神經系統損傷後功能性環路的關鍵機制
Prof. SU Hui (left) and Prof. WU Mengxi (right), both from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of HKUST, have created a new method that significantly improves accuracy in climate predictions.
氣候變化, 土木及環境工程, 生態與環境
科大學者開發嶄新研究方法 揭示雲層加劇全球暖化遠超既知幅度
group photo
研究, 研究及科技, 量子電腦
科大工學院發表突破性低溫存內計算方案 推進人工智能與量子運算結合
研究, 研究及科技, 可持續性, 先進材料, 材料科學
科大團隊破解納米結構 研發高效穩定鈣鈦礦太陽能電池
研究, 研究及科技, 土木及環境工程
科大發表高解析度地下水硫酸鹽分布圖 揭示全球公共健康隱患